Psychic/Medium/Author/Musician CHERIE LASSITER Author of Amata's Choice! Available on Amazon NOW!
Psychic/Medium/Author/Musician CHERIE LASSITER Author of Amata's Choice! Available on Amazon NOW!
" Your vision is amazing. Am a little 'numb' from your accuracy. Thank you again and God bless you."
Michele W.
" Cherie is a blessing in my life and a gift to her world. As a professional going through a midlife spiritual awakening, I felt alone and confused until I found Cherie. She has been a grounding touchstone for me, gently guiding me while not trying to control my experience. Her intuition and advice always bring me closer to my true self. Cherie has helped me find joy in everyday life, expressing my gifts rather than letting them be occluded by judgment. I am proud and grateful to call her a Teacher."
- Lucy Loftus
" They say you only have a few good people in your lifetime and Cherie is in my few for may reasons. I remember some years ago when I stumbled into The Dancing Moon. It was merely for fun, a birthday gift to a friend, something different. Being at The Dancing Moon on that day was no mistake. My friend was very skeptical and I let her go first. She’s a New Yorker and the can be hardened in the land of belief. When my friend finished her reading she came out speechless , ok well maybe not speechless, but fewer words than the norm. “She’s good,” is all I really remember as I headed in for my reading and my life has never been the same since that day. She knew me and my heartache and the obstacles that prevented me from having a better quality of life. I couldn’t believe she knew as much as she did about me. Had my friend given her some insight on my life?? Not so much because the things she told me I never shared. Wow!! I’ve continued to see Cherie for my readings and she has become my life coach. Forget everything you read about crystal balls, dark rooms and the stigma around psychic’s. She is truly the exception to the rule and the reason I have made so much progress in my life over the past couple of years. She gives me guidance on business and personal challenges by putting things in context that I couldn’t do alone. I couldn’t wrap my head around my life's obstacles because I was looking from the inside. Cherie has stood on the outside and pulled what was on the inside and armed me with what I needed to move through life.. When you see Cherie prepared to be changed!! Plan on leaving with clearer picture of yourself, your life and the energy to begin a moving through life with a newfound clarity. Love You Cherie”
-Tiffany N
" I am writing to advise you of my very highest recommendation for Cherie Lassiter as a psychic and medium. I am a very experienced psychologist and received my PhD from Harvard University. I mention this because it would not predispose me to even entering the spirit world much less recommending the services of a medium to you. While attempting to understand the deaths of my beloved family members and the afterlife, I came across a wonderful recommendation for Cherie in the book Reconciled by the Light, Volume 1. I contacted her immediately and have been talking with her for many years as well as highly recommending her services to my clients who are interested in the afterlife. I appreciate the fact that Cherie has an incredible talent for reading the psychic world and afterlife and reporting them accurately to her clients. I stress accuracy because she does not sugarcoat or tell you what you might want to hear. She reports accurately but with great empathy and understanding for your interests and issues. Do you want to talk with your family in the afterlife? You are there immediately through her words. Do you want to get help from your Angels and Spirit Guides? You are there immediately through her words. Do you want more information about yourself or your life now? You are there immediately through her words. You may be anxious about this but do not be afraid. Contact her immediately and sign up for a session. But leave some time for me and my clients, because we will be continuing to work with her! "
-Betty W. Phillips, PhD, Pittsboro, NC
" Cherie, thank you so much for giving me another perspective on my life. Wow! Everything you said is making so much sense to me...It is unbelievable! I didn't expect so much insight and clarity!
Thank you. All the best, Bonnie
" I've worked with Cherie for 4 years on a consistant basis. My major objective have been my path work, application of life lessons, soul development and moving towards my greater life purpose. I started with Cherie as a skeptical newbie and over the past 4 years we have worked together with my Spirit Guides expanding my spiritual,emotional and intellectual consciousness. She has been a valuable mentor and teacher on my quest. I truly believe she appeared when the time was right. As we have met over the years, her ability to read my energy and describe my feelings and the preceding events wth out any prior discussion is uncanny and amazing!"
-Adam Walton
" I have had the privalege to know Cherie for over a year and she has helped me through alot of troubled times. I so wish the medical community would recogniz her for help because she gave me more insight on my problems than my therapist at the time."
-Tracey Vincik
" Cherie has been doing readings for me for 10 years or more. She is on target and has helped me in my spiritual growth by relaying information that I can actually use. She has uncanny insight with the Tarot and with her channeling."
-Sherry Woodward